Winter Board Retreat 2019


The beautiful view at Krabill Shelter

The beautiful view at Krabill Shelter

The Greater Medina Chamber Board of Directors spent a full day evaluating, planning, and engaging at the annual winter retreat. The event was hosted at Medina County Parks Krabill Shelter.

The day began energetically with a session facilitated by Bruce Hendrick of Building Trust, LLC. A big thank you to board member Denise Testa and The Medina County University Center, for making Bruce’s presentation possible.

Groups report back to Bruce on their breakout results

Groups report back to Bruce on their breakout results

2019 Board president, Michelle Masica, led the afternoon session with a focus on goal setting after providing a delicious lunch of salad, lasagna, and bread sticks.

Committee chairs led individual planning sessions for each targeted area including:

Marketing: chaired by Maria Hostettler of Nagy’s Collision Centers

Member Services: chaired by Mark Herwick of Homestead Insurance

Young Professionals: chaired by Ted Klimczak of Rea & Associates

Product Partners: chaired by Rick Davidson of Community Energy Advisors

It was a wonderful way to get focused and energized for the year ahead. As always, the board’s goal is to manage the organization to help business grow. We are excited for all the great things upcoming in 2019 and look forward to furthering the Chamber’s mission and watching all business succeed.


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