Update on FY22 Medina County Safety Council Rebate Program (7/1/21 - 6/30/22)


As Ohio BWC announced on 5/3/21, Ohio Safety Councils will again conduct all meetings virtually (online only) this fiscal year (7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022).

BWC will not be offering a rebate for participation nor the performance rebate (for those eligible) to employers who participate in the BWC Safety Council program until we can meet in-person again.

While this is not the usual direct financial reward for attending, BWC believes your business will still receive valuable workplace safety information and resources by attending meetings online. What you learn at upcoming virtual meetings can help with cost savings and keeping your workers safe from injuries and illness at work.

While this meeting will not count towards rebates from BWC, we hope that you’ll join us for an informative presentation, as well as a BWC update and safety tips.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Mueller at 330-723-8773 or safety@medinaohchamber.com. Thanks!

Update on 2019-2020 Medina County Safety Council Rebate Program


Dear Safety Council Rebate Program Participants,

We thank you for your patience as we’ve determined how to proceed with the FY20 Safety Council Rebate Program in the midst of COVID-19.

As you know, we directed safety council sponsors to cancel March, April, and May safety council meetings in light of public health concerns. And today’s announcement will eliminate the need for sponsors to host a June meeting. As a result of these cancellations, we realize it is impossible for many of you to complete the program’s FY20 rebate eligibility requirements.

Therefore, we will provide the FY20 rebate to safety council members who, as of Feb. 29, 2020, had attended at least FOUR safety council meetings. This determination was based on crediting each member with one meeting credit for each cancelled meeting, the maximum of two external training credits and waiving the CEO attendance and calendar year 2019 semi-annual report requirements.

Although we realize a small number of safety councils host more than one meeting a month late in the program year, we are granting relief for only one safety council meeting credit per month in March, April, May, and June. This resolution reinforces the program’s goal of active participation for the purpose of education, networking and resource sharing and, unfortunately, members who condense participation to the latter part of the program year will not appreciate relief from this solution.

Ultimately, employers we determine have earned the rebate under the revised guidelines will receive the maximum percentage rebate allowed per their BWC group-rating status:

  • 2% for employers enrolled in BWC’s Group-Retrospective-Rating Program and eligible for the participation rebate.

  • 2% for employers enrolled in BWC’s Group-Experience-Rating Program and eligible for the performance bonus - there will be no claims data measurement calculation.

  • 4% for employers not enrolled in a BWC Group-Rating Program.

Your safety council sponsor will submit July 1, 2019 through February 29, 2020 attendance records to us when normal business operations resume. The timeline for the processing of these rebates is yet to be determined but we will continue to update safety council sponsors when you should expect FY20 safety council program rebate checks.

Our most sincere interest is the health, wellness and safety of Ohio’s workforce. Be safe and take care.

Michelle Francisco
BWC Safety Council Program Manager

Click here for 2019-2020 Medina County Safety Council Attendance and Report Tracking.

(as of 5/5/20)

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Mueller at 330-723-8773 or safety@medinaohchamber.com. Thanks!

Semi-Annual Report Information

Second Half 2019 semi-annual reports are due by January 15, 2020. All companies actively participating in Safety Council are required to submit this report on time.

The form can be printed and completed HERE or completed electronically via the online form below.

Instructions for completing the Semi-annual report are attached in the above link.

If you have further questions, please email safety@medinaohchamber.com or call 330-723-8773.

Medina County Safety Council

Semi-Annual Report * SECOND HALF 2019* JULY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2019

DUE by January 15, 2020

*Report all information for the CURRENT SIX MONTH PERIOD ONLY: JULY 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019

Note: If you report a death, injury or illness resulting in days away from work in the current six month period (item 4 or 5), the most recent date of death, injury or illness must correspond with item 1.

Enroll in Safety Council

In an effort to reduce the number of accidents in our workplaces and to share resources and information on accident prevention, risk management and workers’ compensation in Ohio, the BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene and the Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce co-sponsor this program.

By completing this enrollment form, the employer makes a commitment to send representatives to a minimum of 10 safety council meetings during the rebate year and to submit semi-annual reports by the corresponding deadlines.

This form must be completed by June 30, 2019 in order to be eligible for the BWC 2019-20 Safety Council Rebate Program.

Steering Committee

Meet the 2017 - 2018 Safety Steering Committee

Safety Council meetings and seminars are planned by safety professionals, company safety directors, and public safety officers.

Devon Diello
Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce

Nino Piccoli City of Medina
Steering Committee Chair

Tracy Combs Wichert Insurance  
Dallis Conrad Owens Corning Corporation
Nina Fullerton GVS Safety Supply
Paul Magovac Brunswick Hills Township
Janie Parish Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce
Stuart Root A. I. Root Company
Susan Sevy Vexor Technology
Cari Gray, CSP BWC Safety Counsultant Specialist